Friday, September 30, 2005

::The falling leaves Drift by the window The autumn leaves Of red and gold::

Today was our first fall day! And by fall I mean, under 80 degrees with a slight breeze. I don't miss much about Michigan but I do miss the fall. My mom sent me something out of our local paper that had the fall color report. I had a slight touch of nostalgia. In honor of fall, I made some carmel apples on Monday for our weekly Arrested Development gathering. I know I won't be complaining come December--or even March but right now it doesn't feel like the day before October. It really doesn't feel like football season. I guess I will just drown my sorrows by the pool....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Blogger kristen said...

Ok, last night it was actually CHILLY! It felt really good.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have been some great fall days here in Mich...I think it is celebration of the upcoming birthday on oct 29th :)

Blogger kristen said...

Let this be a lesson to you--I deleted that comment b/c it was subpar...

Blogger Matt said...

How on earth do you make caramel apples?? Do you just shuck like 500 tiny caramels into a bowl, microwave it, and then start dipping? I've never understood how to make them look so perfect.

Blogger kristen said...

HOLY CRAP--my thoughts exactly. In fact, I asked my mom that very question this afternoon. Yes, that is how you make them but mine looked really bad. It is impossible to get an even amount of carmel over the entire apple. Plus, when you place the carmeled apple on the wax paper, some of the carmel will drip down and gather at the bottom. They were not pretty but taste so, so good.

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