Monday, January 01, 2007
Year in Review
2006 was a pretty big year. Lots of events, music, books and fashion trends I want to remember. Good thing I have a blog....

1. I became a legally obligated marital partner and consequently started putting up wreaths and actually making (like from recipes and things) food to pass at potlucks instead of just bringing the alcohol.

2. I donned many, many, many headbands. I love headbands. And skinny jeans. And tweed. I am thankful for all these things and sometimes....sometimes?....I wear them all at once. Especially now that I have a tweed headband. A! TWEED! HEADBAND! Fun!

3. Grad school cuts into my leisure reading and movie watching but I did read and see some good stuff that I will recommend because you reading this blog is pretty much a silent plea for my recommendations....The best books I read this year (and yes, I know that most of them were not actually published in 06 but I just got around to them in 06): The Corrections, Year of Magical Thinking, Reading Lolita in Tehran, The Tender Bar, In Cold Blood, American Theocracy and Female Masculinity. And while I'm sure there are movies out RIGHT now that I would put on this list, I saw no movies over break (I KNOW!) so my list is limited....Why We Fight, V for Vendetta, Little Miss Sunshine and Thank-you For Smoking.

4. Music! The best albums this year (for me...and probably for you if you would listen to them). Belle and Sebastian- The Life Pursuit, The Modern Skirts- Catalogue of Generous Men, The Dixie Chicks- Taking the Long Way, Gomez- How We Operate, Franz Ferdinand- You Could Have It So Much Better.

5. I can't wait for 007. I will finish my last semester of course work--after 7.5 years of academic classes. And I am SO. SO. SO. excited to see what happens with the 08 race. I can't wait to do some traveling this summer and enjoy more good times in Athens in the meantime.

6. Most of you know that I don't set resolutions per say...more just goals and things I want to accomplish. Drew says that is what a resolution is...but I just don't like the label "resolution." So boring...and cliché. But, alas, I do have some things that I want to do. I want to journal more. Since I was in the 2nd grade, I have kept a journal. I've really been slacking the past couple years. Basically my journaling has boiled down to blogging and my school notebook where I keep 'To Do' lists. Neither are very inspirational or therapeutic. And, if I may be honest, I like where I'm at right now and I want to keep a good record of later when 2037 Kristen is jaded, old and grumpy I can make fun of my 2007 optimistic self. I'm also going to do better about keeping in touch with friends and family. I am trying to be less of a self absorbed academic. So gone are the days when I don't return phone calls because I am "working." There is always work to do but it will still be there when I get off the phone. I need to set aside time for you lovely people. And I'm still working on the poker chip trick from last year. I may actually do it.....

Ok...and as an interesting aside....ALL THREE OF MY SCHOOLS (that I went/go to!) made it to bowl games this year. CMU and Georgia have already won....We'll be cheering for Wake tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that I'm the reason these schools have such good football teams. Yep. Me. Football extraordinaire.
HAPPY 2007 everyone!

* I'm sorry but I gave up on the pictures after #2 because I am very lazy. 2007 kristen=lazy kristen.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanted to ask (and I know this is off topic) but do you know anyone by the name of Sarah Afshar? I went to the open mic night in Athens and she was there. I just have to say she has the best voice I've ever heard in my entire life. She a few Queen songs and I've never heard anyone cover their songs (even people on television) that good in my life. It was like Freddie Mercury's spirit invaded her soul. Since you seem to know the music scene, I was just curious.

Blogger kristen said...

Hmmm...I have not. But your description is very interesting. I'll have to look out for her. Thanks!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, may I add myself to your year in review? You met ME this year... while it might not have been a high point, it was still a point, right?

Blogger kristen said...

oh dear sweet twin...i may have to devote a whole post just to you. it is simply too much to lump into a review post!

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