Monday, February 05, 2007
Friendship and telling secrets.
'the myth has its charms; but the truth is far more beautiful.'

I'm reading 'The Company They Kept.' A great collection of letters, eulogies and essays written by writers about their closest writer/scholar friends. Some of the essays are boring...but most are intimate, inspirational and human.

As I read about the people's tennis games, graduate school experiences, diary keeping habits and failures as viewed through their friend's eyes, I wonder what my friends would say about me. What would I say about them?

I fully expect many of my colleagues and friends to go on and do great things....and maybe someday I will write a tell-all essay about one of them....and I hope I know as much about them as the people writing in this book...and I don't mean their favorite color or food. I want to be able to tell bigger and better things.

Of course, some of you should be scared by this prospect. I have a lot of dirt on some of you...and you on me. I love reading this type of stuff...but I can't help but wonder how I would feel if those closet to me exposed by private inner-workings. The reason they had that information is because I trusted them. Would I see the revealing essay as a tribute or an expose?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh hells no... I will be the first to write this "tell-all" piece... I'll pass it off as avant garde scholarship, you know, the kind that helps us all reflect upon the curious epoch that we all find ourselves (or do not find ourselves) trapped within... and, as I expose my sins with the hopes of redemption, I'll expose yours too... I'm thinking WSIC might be ready for this piece in a couple years... you know, since the admin adores me!

Blogger kristen said...

maybe we can co-author?

Blogger Kourtney said...

Just think what the sisters could write about...;)

Blogger kristen said...

ok...there is some blood bond that forbids sisters from spilling secrets!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, i got dirt.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I do believe that co-authorship is encouraged... great minds think alike (and two of them have double the exposing possibilities). yes.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

U r right...Some novels just touch ur heart and kindle the soul...Hardly do u get to chance upon such novels

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am sure that your friends would say all good things about you...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ur friends are true..then they would highlight on ur negative aspects as they would always want people to love u at ur worst first and then see ur best coz anyone can love ur best attitudes but few are those who would love u at ur worst and they will be ur true friends or associates or even love...but along with that true friends would not fill ur book with a trash of villanious attributes of urs..they would definitely compose some good stuff for u..may be sumthing that u dont have :)

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